
4 Ways To Avoid Scams When Apartment-Hunting

Searching for the perfect apartment isn't as easy as simply finding a listing and showing up. In fact, walking blindly into showings of apartments for rent could mean losing your security deposit, getting fined, and possibly being left without a place to stay. If you're uncertain of how to tell the difference between a rental scam and a legitimate apartment that is available, you need to explore what kinds of steps you can take towards getting an apartment without any unexpected problems arising. Read More 

Ready To Start Looking To Buy A Home? What Every Buyer Must Consider

If you are starting to look at homes for sale and you aren't sure how houses that look similar can be so different, it's important that you take the time to understand the listings. There are a lot of different features and considerations that affect the cost of a home, and that make a house worth the investment. Here are some things you'll want to keep in mind as you start home shopping and when you talk with a real estate agent. Read More 

Do You Need To Supply A Fire Extinguisher For The Apartment You’re Renting Out?

Fore extinguishers can prevent a minor fire from becoming a deadly disaster. But as a landlord, are you required to place one in the apartment you're renting out? As is true of many questions, the answer is "it depends." Some municipalities require landlords to supply fire extinguishers, while others do not. You can find out the regulations in your area by calling your local building inspector's office. But even if fire extinguishers are not required in rental units, it's a great idea to invest in one for your tenants to use. Read More 

Help Is Just A Phone Call Away - When To Call Your Property Manager

If you have just rented a home, you may wonder when a call to the property management service, such as Foreside Real Estate Management, is a good idea instead of taking matters into your own hands. A property manager will foresee many aspects regarding your rental, and there are many instances when a simple phone call to them will take care of a problem you are experiencing within your home. Here are some of the times a property manager can come to your aid. Read More 

Handling Repair Requests In Luxury Apartments

Leasing a luxury apartment does come with its perks, but some of those perks can cause a few more issues that management needs to tend to. What do you do if you have problems with the apartment that needs repair? If things are handled properly, your management personnel can make the necessary repairs quickly and efficiently. If they don't, you have good standings to break the lease early and hold the management team accountable for your inconvenience. Read More